
72Hours: a volunteering marathon

Over 26,000 volunteers working on 565 projects during 4 days in October. This is 72Hours, the volunteering project implemented by the Czech Council of Children and Youth, the EYCA member organisation in the Czech Republic.
The aim of 72Hours is to encourage young people to volunteer their time and show them that by working together they can make a real change in their communities.

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Since 2012, the Czech Council of Children and Youth have worked to organise this major volunteering event engaging thousands of young people across the country in hundreds of projects benefiting their communities. Volunteers can support their communities by:

  • helping to clean public spaces, rivers and forests
  • planting trees
  • giving a hand in castles around their area
  • socialising with senior citizens in homes for the elderly
  • repairing natural wells
  • repairing playgrounds

... and many, many more.

In this way, 72Hours helps to strengthen local communities and build partnerships between young people and local organisations and institutions.

Each year, the project receives extensive media coverage with public figures such as sportsmen, film directors, and Internet celebrities supporting the initiative.