Italy - Sardinia Region

Eurodesk Italy
Via Iglesias, n° 45 - 09125 Cagliari. Italy
- +39 351 69 46 831
Organisation Profile:
Eurodesk Italy is a nonprofit body governed by public law (EU Directive 24/2014) established in 1997. It operates with the support of the European Commission, the Italian National Agency for Youth and several local public and private organizations.
Eurodesk Italy's mission is to shorten distances between young people and institutions, centres and peripheries, and raise awareness among young people on learning mobility opportunities, encouraging them to become active citizens. Services provided by the Eurodesk Local Multipliers target mainly young people:
i.e., schools and universities students, young researchers, youth associations and groups, and NEETs. Particular attention is placed on providing access to those who do not belong to youth associations and organisations and hence have more problems finding useful information and grasping opportunities.
Eurodesk Italy is a full member of the Eurodesk European Network. Eurodesk is the official information and counselling organization for the Erasmus+ program (2021-2027).
With the support of the European Youth Card Association (EYCA), Eurodesk Italy promotes and runs the Carta Giovani Sardegna, a tool for all young Sardinians from 14 to 30 years old to take part in quality mobility experiences through access to opportunities and discounts at local, regional, national and European levels. You can apply for your Sardinian Youth Card here.
Find out more about the card in Italy - Sardinia Region.