We are the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) - a non-governmental, not-for-profit association of 40 member organisations that issue the European Youth Card to more than 7 million young people in over 30 countries across Europe. Together we work to empower Europe’s youth.
Our Vision and Mission
Our mission is to support more young people to be socially, culturally, educationally, and economically mobile by delivering quality European Youth Card services and by contributing to better youth policy. We do this to achieve our vision of a Europe where all young people are mobile and active.
We Are
Youth-oriented by generating, disseminating and using knowledge of young people and always placing them at the core of all our activities.
Inclusive by appealing to all young people and creating opportunities for them to participate, taking account of diversity and differential needs of excluded groups.
Sustainable by investing to continuously develop and improve services and opportunities for long-term impact.
Accountable by actively participating and taking responsibility in the further development of the Association.
Innovative by creating new solutions and engaging young people to co-create and implement them.
Structure and Governance
Each EYCA member organisation develops the European Youth Card in its territory and provides young people access to discounts and opportunities in the fields of mobility, accommodation, culture, services and products. In addition, each member works to create dedicated programmes in various areas, such as active citizenship and participation, youth employability and entrepreneurship, volunteering and community engagement, etc.
EYCA member organisations are NGOs and private foundations, as well as state and public institutions and social benefit enterprises.
The highest governing body of the Association is the General Assembly, which elects ten members of the Board and the President.